Final Prototype (No. 7)

Thank you for the many suggestions on our previous prototypes. We have incorporated many of the suggestions into the final prototypes:
- New more beautiful playing card backside
- Silver coins with playing card value now displayed as a number in the lower left corner
- Golden coin as sign for special points now shown in lower right corner
- Princesses and princely card were merged to a motive “team”.
- For the “Fox” use a real fox symbol and no tower – card now marked with “Foxy
- Make special card “Karlchen” better identifiable, name is now on the card
- White border on all cards to better prevent “spiking”
- Princely cards no longer contain crowns on the motifs to avoid confusion
- Coin cards now have different numbers of coins on the front and back of the card
- a figure has got darker skin color
Previous versions

So far received suggestions for improvements to the prototype:
- Use more colorful backside for playing cards
- Change of name to “Doublehead Family”
- Combine individual silver coins on the left to form a number for the final scoring of a round and attach to the bottom of the card
- Princesses and princely card more strongly than wedding represent
- For the “fox” use a real fox symbol and not a tower
- Make special card “Karlchen” better identifiable, if necessary write name on card
- In the instructions for the prototype better refer to the princesses and princely card e.g. about the card color pink
- The colours of the non-trump cards let you quickly see what other players still have on their hands when they are “cheating”.
- Do not use the term duel in the instructions, rather stick to the trick – a duel is for 2
- Prince and princess should not come from the same family when you get married 🙂
- confusion because the princes (non-trump cards) also have crowns on their heads (figure)
- the reverse sides of the coin cards have a different design, otherwise you can mix them in easily
- 2 variants of the highest card and wedding cards (once with white background and once with colored background) – so you can choose which cards to play with; if necessary, the numeric value of the 20s card bold
- as German name “Doppelköpfchen”
- simple wedding rules for children and beginners, if both cards are on hand – e.g. player is the winner of the first trick or player can be selected
- Wedding cards make e.g. both figures clearer on the card
- Game version of the game on durable plastic cards
- more gender-neutral use of language and graphics (even princesses can carry swords)
- some figures should have darker skin color to appreciate interculturalism
- no full colored cards, because otherwise you can easily see at the first “random” glance which colors are in the hand – e.g. white border around the cards
- Integration of playful innovations – not only illustration double head normal play
- Design of the tower cards more than a regular ace
- Adjust crown symbol more to check (Karo)

Preparing Prototype No. 4 for Indie Game Alliance